ReelSkin Synthetic Practice Skin - Unicorn
ReelSkin Synthetic Practice Skin - Unicorn
ReelSkin Synthetic Tattoo Practice Skin - Magical tattooable Unicorn
Reel skin has many similarities to real skin this Reel Skin product has the ability to stretch while applying the design of the procedure.
This Reel skin has been designed to look and feel like real skin to help the artist to feel the illusion of cosmetic tattooing on real Skin.
ReelSkin is committed to providing tattoo and permanent make-up artists with the most realistic cosmetic practice products around
The skin looks and feels amazing and is absolute must buy for people who training to become a professional SPMU and PMU artist.
This product is the closest thing to real skin and is becoming more and more popular within the industry.
90mm length
70mm width
120mm height